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Artist, writer, journalist and mother of two

wonderful children. Born in the early 70’s in

an art family. Works in many painting tech-

niques and genres including: painting and

drawing, illustration books and iconogra-


Recently the artist diligently working

towards teaching painting and drawing

through the book.

In 2009 published a book in publish-

ing house “Peter” “Draw the flowers” with

illustrations and copyright phased draw-

ing lessons on the disk. In 2011 two books

come out at once for two Russian publish-

ing house “Peter” “Easy lessons in drawing

in pencil” and “PHOENIX” “Draw the fan-

tastic worlds.”

To me, the act of painting is...

Это еще один из органов восприятия мира

What was the first painting that you sold?

не могу вспомнить

I’m inspired by...

свет и тени

What's your favorite sentence?

любовь и на поле битвы

When was the last time you got a nice surprise?

я не перестаю поражаться каждому дню

A party is no good without...

не люблю тусовку

I wish I had more...

возможностей заниматься творчеством

Do you like nights?

безусловно, сон еще одна реальность

I love it when...

меня понимают

A cat or a dog?


If you could no longer paint, then...

я бы готовила, шила, писала, растила детей, рисовала, лепила, растила сад и писала стихи... что собственно я и делаю :)

My favorite dish:

мясо и овощи

Bach, Elvis or Madonna?

каждый по своему хорош

If I could live forever, I would like to be...

как бог даст

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