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Olivier Lamboray - Die Fools
Olivier Lamboray - Die Fools
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Beschreibung des Bildes

It is all about Love, all these sacred moments that marqued time in this magnificient house and we still can see a couple kissing with passion their eternal Lovel, still present behind this romantic light fading away. There is the sailor, whose choices lead him to dream about a deep see lokking at the Meuse river streaming down at his sides, and now emprisonned behind the bars of his balcony for not having lived his dreams to their fulfilment. Of course the beauty of a Woman, free to be herself and enjoying at her deepest the freedom of her joys to dream of another world, a need of travelling, of let go this lonelyness and live her crazy fantasies, we can read wonder doubled with desire on her face but also the wisdom of weighting the full length of her choice and to lift any doubt left ahead. … The man at her side doesn't even see her, as so absorbed by the reality of his resaerch of the meaning of life through sciences and rationality, his own way of travel through space and the beginning of humanrace and the existence of Time. Laly, my sweet dog, splited between the desire of her gourmandise, facing the ice cream trolley ( I have to admit that it is very hot and that we are surely experiencing the consequences of climate change of our modern world) and she wonder why this parrot is doing here in Belgium Me, heheh always between two worlds, I am peeping but what a delight to escape the present and jump into my surreal reality, and to live under a blue shinny inspiring ... In Love with Life...Such a wonderful Feeling !

Die Fools

  • nr kat.: ol5
  • Maße: 98 x 58 cm
  • cena: Bild in privater Sammlung
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