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Olivier Lamboray - Vent de Knokke
Olivier Lamboray - Vent de Knokke
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Beschreibung des Bildes

It has been 2 years that I try to lighten my architectures and to step out of the rigidness of the street, I first broke parts of the facades but it brought a post war feeling which annoyed me as I always aim to promote Love and Positivity.. finally I manage to dissipate the wall gradually into the sky which strengthens the oeniric feeling by mixing the clouds from the back ground into the very front of the wall itself.. it is a great step for me to attain such a closeness of a deep feeling I have tried to express, to open up my scenery into a deeper horizon and to attach different depths of the composition through windows from far away to the very front of the play A first step , that opens up a bright horizon to the direction I am aiming.. I love it

Vent de Knokke

  • nr kat.: ol2
  • Maße: 86 x 53 cm
  • cena: Bild in privater Sammlung
Kategoria obrazu
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Każdy wysłany przez nas obraz jest ubezpieczony i zabezpieczony na czas transportu. Nad systemem pakowania i dostawy pracowaliśmy latami. Jesteśmy pewni, że chwila w której odpakujecie zakupiony obraz będzie momentem wyjątkowej przyjemności i czasem niepowtarzalnych doznań. Zakupy w Touch of Art to Gwarancja satysfakcji.
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