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Olivier Lamboray - Jeu d`élégance
Olivier Lamboray - Jeu d`élégance
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Yes Yes this is Paris, capital of elegance and superficiality, of such a generous culture, we go here we go there, there is so much to see, museums, architecture palaces, Oh Yeaaah we walk around open eyes, it feels good, we even go in the Eiffel Tower and under that Haussmann hat we discover a city full of surprises, we could even think this is the center of the world , but hey...on that Ego peak that drives us dizzy, we open our eyes, huge up to the greatness of this dream that seems so real, we are definitely at another time in another world under a different star, we suddenly have wings coming out of our back, we tend to be big, bigger to the height of this dream that already fades away, so we run, we dance, we love surely... Really Paris is a magical trick, a trip back in time, the modern times and we marvel the memory we keep from it... It' s here that we meet Jakie, but also Frédéric, we miss Sophie, we escape with Ludo & Wila and we lunch with Ray ...Ah Paris, it's a passion that always renew itself and it seems eternal...

Jeu d`élégance

  • nr kat.: ol4
  • Maße: 50 x 70 cm
  • cena: Bild in privater Sammlung
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