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. ASENSIR - A.p. No.78
. ASENSIR - A.p. No.78
. ASENSIR - A.p. No.78
. ASENSIR - A.p. No.78
. ASENSIR - A.p. No.78
. ASENSIR - A.p. No.78
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Descrizione del quadro

Acrylic painting on cotton canvas, surreal art. The work is signed: on the front - artist's signature "Asensir", on the back - title / signature, name and surname of the artist / year of creation. The side edges of the canvas are aesthetically painted black, dimensions: 70x60x2cm. The artist's paintings are a glimpse through the world of dreams and an attempt to interpret thoughts, emotions and fears. While creating, the author focuses on searching - the meaning, identity, a way to express himself and his visions with the use of appropriate colors and symbols. His works are purchased by collectors from all over the world.
polish painting
. ASENSIR più quadri

A.p. No.78

  • nr kat.: a_4
  • dimensioni: 70 x 60 cm
  • cena: Quadro della collezione privata
Kategoria obrazu
Direzione delle ricerche
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Quadro ad acrilico
Tipo di supporto per dipingere:
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