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federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
federico cortese - The house of the haruspex
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Opis obrazu

The haruspex predicts the future by interpreting signs that he is able to discover hidden in the bowels of animals. The place of his work is bare, half way between the shop of a dealer and a pagan temple. The large bowls, which contain the remains of animals butchered for the prophecy, are the tools of his work. The soothsayer is sad. To him falls the task of sacrificing innocent animals, for an oracle that says nothing that is not already known. Original sold.
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The house of the haruspex

  • nr kat.: fc62
  • wymiary: 70 x 100 cm
  • cena: Zamów replikę autorską
Kategoria obrazu
Kierunek poszukiwań
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Obraz olejny
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