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federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
federico cortese - laguna
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Opis obrazu

From the series “Virtual model”, oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm, 2020 I like to create imaginary worlds. Using the modeling software I invent virtual simplified realities, probably the result of travel memories and past experiences. I choose the types of buildings, I place them on a fictitious ground, check the colors to the various parts, the lights, the elements of the landscape. And then I choose a point of view and portray this place of fantasy. The traditional landscape painting has to deal with the atmospheric variables, with the mutability of natural light. Here, on the contrary, not only everything is static, but I can change the various elements at will: add or remove pieces, move something, try the effects of shadows depending on the movement of the lights. But it is a small difference, and also the difference between "real" reality and virtual reality is now small: it has become part of our daily lives, changed our way of perceiving, and somehow has itself become real.
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  • nr kat.: fc122
  • wymiary: 50 x 50 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
Kategoria obrazu
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Rodzaj użytego medium:
Obraz olejny
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Każdy wysłany przez nas obraz jest ubezpieczony i zabezpieczony na czas transportu. Nad systemem pakowania i dostawy pracowaliśmy latami. Jesteśmy pewni, że chwila w której odpakujecie zakupiony obraz będzie momentem wyjątkowej przyjemności i czasem niepowtarzalnych doznań. Zakupy w Touch of Art to Gwarancja satysfakcji.