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Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
Yana Yeremenko - "Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers
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Opis obrazu

Lavender fields are one of the most romantic places on earth. They enchant with their incredible atmosphere, a combination of colors and aroma... My "Lavender Paradise" oil. Canvas on cardboard 30*40 cm The picture is not decorated. The picture is covered with a protective layer of varnish. There is a title and signature on the back of the image. It will be delivered to you securely packaged, intact and undamaged. I do not choose frames for my paintings. I want you to do it yourself - the way you like it. Please note that colors may vary slightly between the actual image and the screen image due to the results of my digital camera and monitor.
malarstwo ukrainskie
Yana Yeremenko więcej obrazów

"Lavender Paradise", oil paintyng, Landscape with flowers

  • nr kat.: yye58
  • wymiary: 30 x 40 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
Kategoria obrazu
Kierunek poszukiwań
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Obraz olejny
Rodzaj podłoża:
karton/tektura, płótno
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