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Yana Yeremenko - "OLD LIGHTHOUSE" watercolor drawing
Yana Yeremenko - "OLD LIGHTHOUSE" watercolor drawing
Yana Yeremenko - "OLD LIGHTHOUSE" watercolor drawing
Yana Yeremenko - "OLD LIGHTHOUSE" watercolor drawing
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Lighthouses .. These mighty giants, engineering marvels, have always attracted attention. Built more than a hundred years ago (most of them), they show the way to ships every night in any weather. There is no force majeure for them, they must shine in spite of everything. It inspires and supports me in life .. Watercolor drawing, paper, 34,5x23 cm. The back of the image has a title and caption. It will be delivered to you without a frame and glass in a reliable package, intact and undamaged. Watercolor painting needs protection, so it should be decorated under glass. So it will last a long time and will delight with its beauty. Note that the actual colors of the image and screen may differ slightly due to the characteristics of my digital camera and monitor.
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"OLD LIGHTHOUSE" watercolor drawing

  • nr kat.: yye34
  • wymiary: 34 x 23 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
Kategoria obrazu
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Każdy wysłany przez nas obraz jest ubezpieczony i zabezpieczony na czas transportu. Nad systemem pakowania i dostawy pracowaliśmy latami. Jesteśmy pewni, że chwila w której odpakujecie zakupiony obraz będzie momentem wyjątkowej przyjemności i czasem niepowtarzalnych doznań. Zakupy w Touch of Art to Gwarancja satysfakcji.