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Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
Roman Bonchuk - (!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"
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Opis obrazu

Adoration of the superorganism 2019 On the right is the superorganism itself. Large, scary and unknown insect. On the left are piglets, because man is a pig by nature. Pig muzzles fear that if they do not worship, the superorganism will punish them. At the bottom of the picture conventionally depicted book and cup. They are part of the ritual. In the background is a temple, a place of worship. The picture shows the property of a person to fall on his knees in front of large-scale and unknown. And the consequence of this is always the enslavement of consciousness and will. (New!) The "Dance of Paradigm" collection consists of large-sized 120 сm by 140 сm canvases. Ideas are taken from my series of sketches «Internal empiric» (more than 300 works from 2018). I wanted to transfer them to large canvases. Used oil, acrylic and other paints. Combined many techniques. Already ready 25-30 paintings. Pictures turn out energetic and bright. I'm happy about it. Thanks for attention.
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(!) New collection "Dance of Paradigm". Picture "Adoration of the superorganism"

  • nr kat.: rbonc149
  • wymiary: 120 x 140 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
Kategoria obrazu
Kierunek poszukiwań
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Obraz akrylowy, Obraz olejny, Inne
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