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Rachel McCullock - Flying Fish
Rachel McCullock - Flying Fish
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Opis obrazu

Rachel's aluminium resin paintings are constructed in layers. Initially in a gestural manner, then becoming more complex with each layer. By adding colour and cells she partly obscures the metal base. The final layer is purely creating the high gloss finish - the defining indicator of Rachel's work. The rich deep blues of this piece are mood enhancing and have the feel good factor. The sparkling aluminium shines through adding a 3rd dimension. This artwork has been mounted on a sturdy wooden panel whose sides have been painted to alleviate the need to frame. It is signed and wax sealed on the reverse. Should this be purchased as a gift the Artist is happy to provide an original painted card and a personalised message written in her calligraphic hand.
malarstwo wielkiej brytanii
Rachel McCullock więcej obrazów

Flying Fish

  • nr kat.: rm279
  • wymiary: 40 x 40 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
Kategoria obrazu
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deska, inne
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