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Kolesnikova Irina - magical walk
Kolesnikova Irina - magical walk
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Opis obrazu

This painting depicts a group of human figures in the style of abstract and decorative art. The figures are made using bright and saturated color blocks containing various patterns reminiscent of ethnic or folk ornaments. The primary colors include bright shades of red, blue, yellow and green, which gives the composition a painterly and dynamic look. The faces of the figures are not drawn, which makes them faceless, and the viewer's attention is focused on the unique patterns covering their silhouettes. Each figure is made up of small geometric shapes, patterns and lines reminiscent of a mosaic or textile texture. The main background is made in blue with smooth round and spiral elements, which creates a contrast with the ornaments on the figures. The overall effect of the work is a sense of movement and cohesion, as if all the figures are united in some kind of collective dance or ritual. The painting can symbolize unity, cultural diversity or a collective consciousness, where each figure is unique, but united with others by a common space and movement.
malarstwo ukrainskie
Kolesnikova Irina więcej obrazów

magical walk

  • nr kat.: kir210
  • wymiary: 40 x 70 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
Kategoria obrazu
Kierunek poszukiwań
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Obraz olejny
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