Anastasiia Kurkova (22.10.2000) (nickname Stia) I am a Ukrainian artist. I was born in the city of Mariupol - the motherland of an artist A. Kuindzhi in the warm steppe region, in Eastern part of Ukraine. I started working with oils at the age of 13, having turned 14 and began participating in various exhibitions, in particular, the ones which took place at the Mariupol Kuindzhi Center of Contemporary Art and Culture in 2014, and later on. I was the winner of different city and regional art competitions in the Donetsk region, Ukraine. In 2017, one of my works was sent to Japan to the Charity center “Aid to the Children in the World". I also took part in the exhibition organized by NAFAA (National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine) in 2019. Moreover, on September 2, 2020, my first personal exhibition "The Color of the Soul" was opened at the State Library of Ukraine for Youth (Kyiv,Ukraine). In October 2020, another personal exhibition "Color Rhapsody" was held in the House-Museum of Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv,Ukraine. In 2021, I became one of the winners of the International Plein Air Art Competition "The Best Artist" and received the award "For Service to Art". That year I also took part in several exhibitions - "St. Sophia Plein Air 2021" , “150-th Anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka” at NAFAA. In 2022, I became a participant and the winner of the Grand Prix of all-Ukrainian and international art competitions, among them - "Christmas Ukraine", "National Talent Parade", "Etude Vernissage", "Hands of Happiness" etc. I am the organizer and leading artist of the "Kyivska Rus Park" art project, Kyiv, Ukraine. I worked as an animator in the film "Peasants", which create film company "Breakthru Film", based on the same name novel by Nobel Laureate V. Raymont. Currently, I am actively promoting mutual Ukrainian-Polish culture relations in my works. In summer, 2023, I was in the open air in Switzerland. My works are kept in private collections in Ukraine, the USA, the UK, Germany and Poland. they are also exhibited in "Galeria Ogrodowa", “Art Bay”,Krakow and different online galleries. In 2024, an exhibition was held in Warsaw at the "Pragaleria" and in Krakow at the Florianska Gallery.
Malarstwo jest dla mnie ...
Jaki był Twój pierwszy sprzedany obraz?
Swój pierwszy obraz sprzedałam w wieku 14 lat, kiedy zacząłam malować olejem. Teraz zajmuję się tym już od 10 lat.
Inspiruje mnie ...
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Opowiedz nam kiedy ostatnio zostałeś miłe zaskoczony
Impreza nie jest dobra bez ...
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Kot czy pies?
Gdybyś nie mógł dłużej malować to ...
Ulubione danie? ...
Bach, Elvis czy Madonna
Nieśmiertelność chciałbym spędzić jako ...
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