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Beata Van Wijngaarden - ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ PINK
Beata Van Wijngaarden - ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ PINK
Beata Van Wijngaarden - ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ PINK
Beata Van Wijngaarden - ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ PINK
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Описание картины

TOUCH OF PINK opens my new serie GEMS. Inspiration for that serie there are colors which we can notice in precious stones. And the emotions stay in the paint like fly frosen in the natural resin before the ages. You can dicover the emotions peace by peace When I paint resin I must trust my instinkt to create. It is no time to think long after I start :) I used to say- long study, fast decision. the artwork is made from syntecic , coloured resin, modern and unique as a technic for painting. I paint on the wood board, and this artwork is offered with frame , hand made and hand painted, as you can see on the photo. Becouse of special conditions , how I must work with the resin, there are points, that you can clear see that it is hand made work. Sometimes you can see the bubbles inside painting, some air, not even surfice , fly who touched the painting in wrong moment It shows you that special handmade style what I like Please, notice: all resin painting shows like "glass effect" Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this work. If you like I add the personalized CERTIFICATE OF AUTENTICITY.


  • nr kat.: bv26
  • размеры: 100 x 100 cm
  • cena: 710 USD
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