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Vladimir graduated in the United Kingdom where he lived and studied for five years in the Univeristy of Birmingham and the University of Reading. After his graduation, he moved and settled in Vienna, Austria.

Inspired by the great masters of the XX century such as Wassily Kandinsky,Kees van Dongen, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, Richard Diebenkorn, -- Vladimir Kryloff finds his own ways of expressing and conveying the experiences of the surrounding space .

His artworks are largely devoted to the performance with  color producing strong metaphysical sense, which is enhanced by the  meaningful and very alive paint  strokes. The paintings executed in abstract expressionist style provide the spectator with the  impressions of   energy and strength on an essentially physical level and at the same time expose in a very subtle and sensual manner the artist impressions of his world through solid brushstrokes and their movement on the canvas surface.

Vladimir has exhibited mostly in Europe in galleries of Vienna , Berlin, Moscow and Vilnius. His works are held in private collections in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Lithuania, Canada, United States, United Kingdom. 


16 – 22 November 2014.The Coffee Art Project Exhibition 
Espace des Arts Sans Frontieres, 44, rue Bouret
75019 Paris

2014, 15 May - 15 June . Abstract impressionism & tachisme at Moscow TradeGallery Center, Ohotnyi Riad 2, Moscow.

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Bach, Elvis oppure Madonna

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