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Tibor Nagy

Tibor Nagy

Kategoria artysty
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The paintings of Tibor Nagy are a testament to his dogged determination to clarify,
to capture a vision informed by his life and his native land of Slovakia, by both the measurable and the abstract.
Since Tibor started painting in oils, he has explored the mysterious terrain between what can be measured by physical
 senses and what can be perceived only by emotions. His paintings are his true personal confessions where the emphasis
 is put on the emotional context. At the beginning of Tibor’s artistic journey, realism combined with abstraction was
the direction which prevailed in his style. Later in the eighties he started to incline more toward surrealism,
combined techniques and experimentation still searching for his own unique way of expression.
In 2005, Tibor finally painted his very first plein air. It was also his first contact with landscape painting
 and oil painting. He immediately saw a great potential in this form of painting and expression even despite the difficulty of this style.
 The “Alla Prima” approach seemed very appealing in a sense of directness, truthfulness and expressiveness while at the same time being a real challenge as it required an uncompromising artist. His works are part of the collections of art lovers from Europe, USA, Canada, and Australia.

La pittura per me è ...

Qual è stato il primo quadro che hai venduto?

Mi ispira ...

Condividi con noi la tua frase preferita

Raccontaci l'ultima volta che sei stato sorpreso in modo positivo

La festa non è bella senza ...

Vorrei avere più...

Ti piacciono le notti?

Mi piace quando ...

Cane o gatto?

Se tu non potessi dipingere, ...

Pasto preferito? ...

Bach, Elvis oppure Madonna

Un'eternità vorrei passare come...

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