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Rachel McCullock - Fiesta
Rachel McCullock - Fiesta
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Descrizione del quadro

Rachel's resin paintings are constructed in layers. Initially in a gestural manner, then becoming more complex with each layer. By adding colour and cells she partly obscures the base. The final layer is purely creating the unique texture- the defining indicator of Rachel's work. The rich bright purples turquoise and vibrant pinks of this piece are complimentary, mood enhancing and give the feel good factor. This artwork is signed on the reverse, and is presented unframed. A plain unglazed box frame is recommended by the artist. Alternatively it can be supplied with a Command self-adhesive velcro hanger which adheres to the back of the artwork enabling the artwork to be hung unframed.
great britian painting
Rachel McCullock più quadri


  • nr kat.: rm217
  • dimensioni: 29 x 21 cm
  • cena: Ordina una replica d'autore
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