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Conor Murphy - strada costiera per Barleycove
Conor Murphy - strada costiera per Barleycove
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Descrizione del quadro

Barleycove or Barlycove (Irish: B� na hEornan) is the name of a townland and beach in County Cork, Province of Munster, on the south coast of Ireland. It is said to be one of the better beaches in West Cork, if not Ireland. It is situated close to Mizen Head on the Mizen Peninsula, with Crookhaven or Goleen being the nearest villages. The area surrounding Barley Cove is one of natural beauty and is very popular during the summer months. The beach itself has been designated as a Special Area of Conservation by the European Union, due to the variety of wildlife and interesting habitats present in the sand dunes. Thank you for stopping by, and please visit this area in Ireland. Conor

strada costiera per Barleycove

  • nr kat.: cmu21
  • dimensioni: 16 x 20 cm
  • cena: Quadro della collezione privata
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Quadro a olio
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