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Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
Rachel McCullock - Rivière d'or
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Description du tableau

McCullock's latest foray into the art world is a large scale textured abstract triptych. Heavy clay has been artfully arranged across the 3 canvases which has been embellished in gold and covered in clear artist's gloss resin.The artist's initial is also embedded within the resin. This detail is surrounded by contrasting gold texture. To complete the wow factor the background is a stark matt white finish. This artwork comes with a certificate of authenticity and is from a smoke free home. It can be professionally shipped anywhere in the world. The work is signed on the reverse of each canvas. Should it be purchased as a gift the artist is happy to provide a personalised note written in calligraphy.
great britian painting
Rachel McCullock plus de tableaux

Rivière d'or

  • nr kat.: rm272
  • dimensions: 40 x 120 cm
  • cena: 550 EUR
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