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Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
Rachel McCullock - Tranquillité
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Description du tableau

McCullock's innovative of mixed media is used to create stunning statement artworks. Many layers of partially coloured high quality gloss resin have been applied a cradled wooden panel. The resultant image is a powerful 3D effect, drawing the viewer into the painting. Many intricate shapes and colours are visible as though looking through tropical waters. Aesthetically pleasing and mood enhancing. A wow factor for any blank wall. Due to the reflective nature of the gloss resin it renders accurate photography a little difficult. The side views of the painting represent the closest colour match. "Peace" can be hung with "Tranquility" to form a diptych as illustrated in the photos. Signed and wax sealed on the reverse. Strung, ready to hang. The sides of the artwork are painted white, alleviating the need to frame, unless desired.
great britian painting
Rachel McCullock plus de tableaux


  • nr kat.: rm187
  • dimensions: 30 x 30 cm
  • cena: Commande une replique d'auteur
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