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 I was born in Yekaterinburg, Russia in 1958. From 1960 I lived Moscow. My first art lessons I received in studio from art printmaker Zavjalova Galina and in the art school of Julia Schult at Chimky, Moscow region.

1977-1984 I studied as an architect in the Moscow Architectural Institute, MARCHI (State Academy). A good part of this training existed of lessons for drawing and painting by N.Tiurin & V.Vinogradov

1984 - 2000 – I worked as an architect in the State Project Institute in Moscow and other architect offices such as "Korla international group of architects” and "Group 7". I was also working as a freelance architect.

2000-2005 I worked as interior design architect for studio “GLT Moscow”.

Since 2005 I live in The Hague and work as a freelance visual artist. I work with acrylic on canvas or paper, sometimes I make carbon graphics and pencil drawings. I make either realistic still life figurative, or figurative compositions with a touch of mystical or magical realism. I consider my paintings from a Gnostic position as a means of intuitive knowledge of the world.

Pour moi la peinture est...

Quel était votre premier tableau vendu?

Ce qui m'inspire c'est...

Quelle est votre phrase préférée

Raconte-nous quand la dernière fois étais-tu surpris

La fête n'est pas réusie sans...

Je voudrais avoir plus ...

Aimes-tu les nuits?

J'adore quand

Chat ou chien?

Si tu ne pouvais plus peindre, ...

Plat préféré? ...

Bach, Elvis ou Madonna

Je voudrais passer l'immortalité en étant...

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