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federico cortese - Verlassene Zimmer mit dem Empire State Building
federico cortese - Verlassene Zimmer mit dem Empire State Building
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Beschreibung des Bildes

Original sold. This series of paintings was inspired by the metaphysical landscapes of De Chirico. I have always been fascinated by their clear vision of the architecture, with the precise design of the shadows, almost anticipating the modern use of three-dimensional modeling software. In the way I feel, however, more introverted and almost unsociable, the outer space is transformed into a closed one, private and protected, from which the human presence is totally gone away. In those rooms then, it may happen that some strange objects and some unexpected decorations appear, suggesting that the person who lives there has overcome the lack of relationship to the outside world with the richness and complexity of his inner world.
italian painting
federico cortese mehr Bilder

Verlassene Zimmer mit dem Empire State Building

  • nr kat.: fc18
  • Maße: 40 x 70 cm
  • cena: Bild in privater Sammlung
Kategoria obrazu
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Art des Untergruds:
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