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Katarzyna Melzacka -
Katarzyna Melzacka -
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Beschreibung des Bildes

The painting was created shortly after I moved to a place where I can constantly hear the singing of birds from outside my window. It's such a pleasant change that they have been frequent guests on my canvas lately. Although the birds depicted in the painting look like something out of a fairy tale, they are not merely an artistic vision. They are inspired by the small African blue flycatchers (Elminia longicauda). The painting is titled "Little Watchers." The gaze of the birds is directed in the same direction, clearly something has caught the attention of these vigilant creatures. These birds are often called the guardians of the forest because their loud singing serves as a warning to other animals about approaching danger, especially humans. What is a beautiful melody to us, evoking admiration and tranquility, is an alarm signal to other animals. With this thought, I leave you.

  • nr kat.: kszu23
  • Maße: 50 x 40 cm
  • cena: Bild in privater Sammlung
Kategoria obrazu
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Art des Untergruds:
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