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Conor Murphy - Sturm in den Osten des Skellig
Conor Murphy - Sturm in den Osten des Skellig
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Beschreibung des Bildes

The Skellig Islands once known as the Skellocks, are two small, steep, and rocky islands lying about 13 km west of Bolus Head on the Iveragh Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. They are famous for their thriving gannet and puffin .populations, and for an early Christian monastery that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site........................ This is a rich impasto Acrylic on canvas Panel painting, A lot of paint and Passion. My Greetings Cards are 7 x 5 Inches and are $8 on Average and look great Framed, so go on, make my day. If you are really in love with this Painting and cannot live without it, make me an offer. Enjoy and thank you for stopping by................Conor,,,,, Let the wind always be at your back and thank you for stopping by. If you can smell the surf and decaying seaweed , you need this in your life. Sl�n agus Dia bless

Sturm in den Osten des Skellig

  • nr kat.: cmu38
  • Maße: 36 x 36 cm
  • cena: Bild in privater Sammlung
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