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Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
Andrey Chebotaru - Bald wandern
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Beschreibung des Bildes

The sun plays an important role - it is one of the sources of life. With this series of works, I wanted to show that the sun not only allows us to live, but also to enjoy it, thanks to golden hours. When the sun almost went down the horizon, all the shades that we can only see begin to unfold to the fullest. We can catch this moment in only 5 minutes, so I wanted each house to have its own golden hours. It can also be a good sign as a gift. You give warmth and exclusive moments of the sun that you don't see so often.
ukrainian painting
Andrey Chebotaru mehr Bilder

Bald wandern

  • nr kat.: ache72
  • Maße: 120 x 100 cm
  • cena: 3 110 EUR
Kategoria obrazu
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Art des Untergruds:
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