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Agnieszka Szałabska - Baum des Lebens
Agnieszka Szałabska - Baum des Lebens
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Beschreibung des Bildes

A strong Being is growing its roots deep into the earth. Open for the wisdom that comes from connection to his soul and to the Source. He finds happiness by living ruled by the will of the heart. This is the Tree of true living. The painting has been painted for request without any specifics given, leaving the artist with her own intuitive interpretation of what the pearson that made the request needs to see. This painting is an attempt to be a reflective mirror of the wisdom of the requestee shown and reflected by symbolic language translated through the hand of the artist.

Baum des Lebens

  • nr kat.: aszal18
  • Maße: 100 x 90 cm
  • cena: Bild in privater Sammlung
Kategoria obrazu
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Art des Untergruds:
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