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Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
Rachel McCullock - Stadtbeleuchtung
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Beschreibung des Bildes

McCullock's latest foray into colour and texture has resulted in intensely busy graphic images. The composition almost resembles graffiti but displays a more aesthetically pleasing form. Modelling clay and fabric provides the heavy texture on the box wooden substrate, resulting in a 3 dimensional image. Inks and acrylic paint have been used to great advantage to enable contrasting textures. McCullock's initial is displayed in clay on the bottom right hand corner The surface is finally finished with a matte varnish to protect and enhance. Signed and sealed on the reverse. Strung with a picture wire ready to hang.
great britian painting
Rachel McCullock mehr Bilder


  • nr kat.: rm249
  • Maße: 90 x 90 cm
  • cena: 730 EUR
Kategoria obrazu
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