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federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
federico cortese - montatura
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Descrizione del quadro

Oil on canvas, 1994, 100 x 60 cm, 1994. A man walks, he notices something while he is going, then he goes further. The three shots, placed next to each other, partially overlapping, do not tell us what he saw, but do tell us something. Through the man eye we sense that what he saw hit him. Maybe he thinks that he should stop. Perhaps the thing he saw demanded his attention. But the man chose to move on, and to remain indifferent.
italian painting
federico cortese più quadri


  • nr kat.: fc68
  • dimensioni: 60 x 100 cm
  • cena: 2 130 EUR
Kategoria obrazu
Direzione delle ricerche
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Quadro a olio
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