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Yaroslav Leonets
ukrainian painting

Yaroslav Leonets

Kategoria artysty
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Hi, my name is Yaroslav Leonets and I’m modern artist from Ukraine.
A few words from my life and biographie. Since childhood, I felt the need to convey my feelings
in a nonverbal way because l could not put them in words. I spent a lot of time alone with my own
thoughts and feelings. And this made me to find what I could communicate with the world through,
telling about my feelings and a glance at it. Using gestures, facial expressions, physioqnomy.
I could not convey what I saw around but I’ve tried visual art and gradually through various artistic
images I found a way to reveal and convey what I really feel. I have always been inspired by the
search for new forms of communication with the world; therefore, my research in childhood has
turned into the work of my life.
As an artist I realize myself in various forms of art. I am engaged in painting, graphics and sculpture.
I’m experimenting a lot, looking for new ways to convey the reality in which I live. Often I synthesize
various materials. Studied in Ukraine the Kharkiv Art College, the Kharkiv State Academy of Design
and Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts, easel painting and the National Academy of Fine Arts and
Architecture in Kiev, monumental painting. My teachers are one of the best artists in Ukraine First
places in a competition of academic and contemporary art.
I’ve been working lately in the genre paintings and in graphics. In my artworks I strive to convey the
beauty of nature and human interaction with nature. I also work on social issues, topics that address
inner experiences and that highlight our connection to nature and identification. Environmental
issues and legal issues. Through this issues figuratives l express my emotions and feelings.
Credo: Art is the way of subjective communication with the surrounding world. Using various visual
means to express unique, clean, childlike feelings.

La pittura per me è ...

Qual è stato il primo quadro che hai venduto?

Mi ispira ...

Condividi con noi la tua frase preferita

Raccontaci l'ultima volta che sei stato sorpreso in modo positivo

La festa non è bella senza ...

Vorrei avere più...

Ti piacciono le notti?

Mi piace quando ...

Cane o gatto?

Se tu non potessi dipingere, ...

Pasto preferito? ...

Bach, Elvis oppure Madonna

Un'eternità vorrei passare come...

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