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Ed Buziak
french painting

Ed Buziak

Kategoria artysty
Direzione delle ricerche

    Photographer... writer... artist... francophile... vegetarian... fixie cyclist... husband... father... lover... carer... minimalist... easy going...

    I studied Interior design at art college in the 1960s, working in the TV and film industry for a decade, before turning to photography full-time. I published and edited specialist photographic magazines on darkroom techniques for several years and now supply work to several stock photo agencies.

    Now, half a century after leaving art college my artistic output is returning as I rediscover ways of working with paper, pencil and paint... a reaction perhaps to current digital photography being too technically processed rather than being a more satisfyingly hands-on operation!

    Work: Stock Photographer & Writer: 1970 – Present
    Publishing Editor ~ Foto Format Publications: 1993 – 2000
    Senior Designer ~ Granada TV: 1967 – 1974
    Education: Manchester College of Art & Design: NDD, DA (Manc): 1963 – 1966

  Location:      Preuilly-sur-Claise, Indre-et-Loire, France.

La pittura per me è ...

Qual è stato il primo quadro che hai venduto?

Mi ispira ...

Condividi con noi la tua frase preferita

Raccontaci l'ultima volta che sei stato sorpreso in modo positivo

La festa non è bella senza ...

Vorrei avere più...

Ti piacciono le notti?

Mi piace quando ...

Cane o gatto?

Se tu non potessi dipingere, ...

Pasto preferito? ...

Bach, Elvis oppure Madonna

Un'eternità vorrei passare come...

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