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I am the Love’s expression. (And so are you, whether you agree or not.) Love speaks through my paintings, my life and through me. Guided by my trust in life, following that which is the most precious for me- I am revealing my true Heart Vision. Life is speaking to me by an invisible desire which I translate into painting. Drawing from full emptiness of creativity and infinite potential I am answering with my paintings to that which is needed to see by myself, other person and by collective consciousness. The need creates the paintings. In the process of creation I am discovering myself. In the endless depths of my Being I am discovering infinite shades of light and dark. Every painting that I have painted, I will paint and which I will not paint- is already existing inside of me. When I paint I am delving with my consciousness into the word and qualities of this particular painting and I find those qualities already existing in me. Intuition is my guide. It’s precision and incisiveness of sight is far greater than my limited mind. Intuitive works answers and fulfils more accurately the true call of the Spirit. Intuition tells me the theme, colours and shapes of the emerging painting. In my works I am not limiting my expression only to the visible, tangible form. Each painting is also a vibration that I’m creating and putting in motion by my deliberate intent. Every painting radiates with energy supplied by positive intent and warmth of the heart. I am aware that I cannot ever express myself fully. The immensity of inner visions and realizations is far greater than the means to express them. And this is what fuels my passion. The words below are a summary and the essence and source of dedication of all of my works: Ultimately the only thing which is existing is Love. Every experience is inviting us to unveil any perception that colours our view away from the recognition of Love in everything. Through the light and darkness of our experiences- that which births and allow to exist both light and dark is One Love. Everything is born out of It and is coming back to It in the great dance of this life.

My name is Agnieszka Szałabska. I have graduated Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow in 1996 where I had perfecting my in born artistic skills of putting beauty into form.

Later, for a few years I have worked as a designer. My consciousness has been slowly waking up by the feeling that something in my life is not quite right and I knew that I cannot live the way I have lived any more.
A deep longing for freedom has brought me to a ceremony of a shamanic medicine called Ayahuasca. The experience had revealed to me that I am something bigger than the person I have assumed I am only. I have discovered that I am an eternal, limitless, vibrating with peace and ecstasy- Love. This realization unveiled the alive and authentic desire for sharing my discovery with others through the form of painting. I have started to create a bright, colourful, vibrant with energy- visionary paintings.

My heart’s desire was to experience myself and the world as Love in everyday life. Guided by trust to life- I have found myself on a meetings where in the stillness of silence I have discovering with other people a deeper reality of our existence. That period and chapter of my life have resulted in a series of paintings called “Paintings of Silence” and a six months visit in India.

Nowadays I am learning how to integrate an awakened consciousness with the beauty of everyday living and how to express my innermost truth through the love in my art, my life and in interactions with other beings.

Nazywam się Agnieszka Szałabska. Ukończyłam Akademię Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie w 1996r. gdzie doskonaliłam moje wrodzone zdolności artystyczne przekładania piękna na formę.

Przez parę lat pracowałam jako designer. Moja świadomość powoli budziła się uczuciem, że coś tu jest nie tak i że nie mogę żyć tak, jak żyłam dotychczas.

Głębokie pragnienie wolności zaprowadziło mnie na szamańską ceremonię Ayahuaski i doświadczenie to pokazało mi, że jestem czymś większym niż tylko osobą. Odkryłam, że jestem wieczną, bezgraniczną, wibrującą spokojem i ekstazą Miłością. Od tego momentu ujawniło się we mnie żywe i autentyczne pragnienie, aby podzielić się swoim doświadczeniem poprzez formę obrazu.  Zaczęłam tworzyć świetliste, kolorowe i przepełnione energią- wizyjne obrazy.

Moje serce pragnęło na codzień żyć i doświadczać siebie i świata jako Miłości. Prowadzona zaufaniem do życia znalazłam siebie na spotkaniach, gdzie w ciszy odkrywałam razem z innymi ludźmi głębszą rzeczywistość naszego istnienia. Czas ten zaowocował serią obrazów "Obrazy Ciszy" i półrocznym pobytem w Indiach.

Obecny czas jest dla mnie momentem integracji przebudzonej świadomości z pięknem codzienności życia oraz wyrażaniem prawdziwej siebie poprzez miłość w mojej twórczości, moje życie i interakcje z innymi istotami.





La pittura per me è ...

Qual è stato il primo quadro che hai venduto?

Mi ispira ...

Condividi con noi la tua frase preferita

Raccontaci l'ultima volta che sei stato sorpreso in modo positivo

La festa non è bella senza ...

Vorrei avere più...

Ti piacciono le notti?

Mi piace quando ...

Cane o gatto?

Se tu non potessi dipingere, ...

Pasto preferito? ...

Bach, Elvis oppure Madonna

Un'eternità vorrei passare come...

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