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Yousef Abdinejad

Born in Hamedan,  Iran 1983

Painter, screenwriter, art scholar and author

In several solo and group exhibitions in different cities of Iran has participated

In some Biennials and the competitions in several paintings, in Iran his paintings has been chosen

Has also made several short films with the names of Yellow Apples, Miracles, Angels and etc

With 5 cases of prominent artists, art workshops run by the Municipality of Italy Milan, Torrecanavese was invited in 2009

Artists selected to participate in a workshop at the first International Festival of Visual Arts Festival in Tehran, Iran in March 2009

First prize in painting competition of National Conference of the Namaaz, painters, painting competitions, in Iran

First prize in painting competition of jooshesh In iran

First prize in painting competition of iranian painting in Ali Gooyan in iran

Selector of participating artists from Iran at Tehran Iran Art-Collect 2014

Pour moi la peinture est...

Quel était votre premier tableau vendu?

Ce qui m'inspire c'est...

Quelle est votre phrase préférée

Raconte-nous quand la dernière fois étais-tu surpris

La fête n'est pas réusie sans...

Je voudrais avoir plus ...

Aimes-tu les nuits?

J'adore quand

Chat ou chien?

Si tu ne pouvais plus peindre, ...

Plat préféré? ...

Bach, Elvis ou Madonna

Je voudrais passer l'immortalité en étant...

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