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Andrey Chebotaru
ukrainian painting

Andrey Chebotaru

Kategoria artysty
Direction de recherches

Andrey Chebotaru - Ukrainian painter. He was born in Sevastopol, December 23 1984 in family of artists - Nicholas and Tamara Chebotaru.

From 1995 to 2002 he studied at the art studio, which was conducted by his parents. In 2002, Andrew entered the Crimean Art College named N.S. Samokisha. Lecturer, specialty Grigoriev V.I.

Since 2007, became a student at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture.

With great trepidation and excitement paints landscapes Kiev, Transcarpathia, Montenegro, the Crimean city of Yalta, Balaklava, Gurzuf Sevastopol.

His paintings are fascinating variety and boldness of compositional solutions, the combination of colors.

Pour moi la peinture est...

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Ce qui m'inspire c'est...

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La fête n'est pas réusie sans...

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Plat préféré? ...

Bach, Elvis ou Madonna

Je voudrais passer l'immortalité en étant...

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