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great britian painting


Kategoria artysty
Direction de recherches
Adam Raid is a self-tough Polish artist born 1972 in small town Suwalki. Curently living in UK. Growning up in comunism. For creating political and religious murals as a young boy he often put himself into trouble with law.
Adam Raid is all-round artist who combines many different styles and painting techniques. His artwork bring images that intrigue, provoke, and guide you through the world of joy.
there is plenty of love, passion, humour, as well as fear, suffering, ignorance and death.
his obsesion with precision, details and clean straight lines throw him from the street to studio where he can paint hours or even days without break or leaving studio.

Pour moi la peinture est...

Quel était votre premier tableau vendu?

Ce qui m'inspire c'est...

Quelle est votre phrase préférée

Raconte-nous quand la dernière fois étais-tu surpris

La fête n'est pas réusie sans...

Je voudrais avoir plus ...

Aimes-tu les nuits?

J'adore quand

Chat ou chien?

Si tu ne pouvais plus peindre, ...

Plat préféré? ...

Bach, Elvis ou Madonna

Je voudrais passer l'immortalité en étant...

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