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Victoria Francisco is painter and etching artist. Her main interest is concentrated to oil painting.

She found her inspiration in the greatest Dutch masters.

Fascinated by Hieronymous Bosch, Jan Van Eyck,Johannes Vermeer,Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
Her works inoil is slowly and carefully painted,she has very detailed style.

The most frequent subjects were: theatre,actors and actress ,puppets and often solitary figure of
human being.She is well educated by Academy of Art.

In 1997 she was awarded by Masaryk's prize for artistic achievements.
Passion for painting explain her Spanish temperament and courage ,that she inherit from her father.

She lives and works in Prague.Czech republic.

To me, the act of painting is...

What was the first painting that you sold?

I’m inspired by...

What's your favorite sentence?

When was the last time you got a nice surprise?

A party is no good without...

I wish I had more...

Do you like nights?

I love it when...

A cat or a dog?

If you could no longer paint, then...

My favorite dish:

Bach, Elvis or Madonna?

If I could live forever, I would like to be...

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