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Karolina Masiewicz - Pandora
Karolina Masiewicz - Pandora
Karolina Masiewicz - Pandora
Karolina Masiewicz - Pandora
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Painting description

Greek mythology is the first woman on Earth that Zeus sent as a punishment for people for Prometheus stolen the gods of fire from Olympus. At the command of Zeus Hephaestus, he made the first woman from the clay and the water, which the cherries and the hills beautifully adorned. Atena taught her homework, Aphrodite gave her beauty, and Hermes shared her character with her: falsehood, falsehood and flattery, and led him to Epimeteus, who took her as his wife against the warnings of his brother Prometheus.


  • nr kat.: kmas25
  • dimensions: 100 x 50 cm
  • cena: 860 EUR
Kategoria obrazu
Searches direction
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Oil painting
Type of material:
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