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Hi All.

My name is Aneta Majcher welcome on my profile.

I started my adventure with painting and drawing when I was a little girl.

Simply, the magic of Art had me hooked from a young age! I used to watch people and transfer their beauty onto the canvas. The beauty of people, mostly women, always has been my biggest inspiration. I believe natural beauty is the most precious thing we have and we should strongly emphasize it. Staying close to nature and being yourself is the key. I am a self-taught painter who creates abstract art mixed with other styles. This makes my paintings unique and allows me to create my own style of painting.

Thank you 


To me, the act of painting is...

Historia malowana na poltnie. Malarstwo sa to emocje ktore sa dla mnie inspiracja , to milosc, radosc, euforia, smutek, tesknota. Lubie przenosic to wszystko na plotno.Malarstwo to moja pasja.

What was the first painting that you sold?

Byl to obraz pt " I wonder if..." przedstawiajacy zamyslona kobiete z kwiatem we wlosach, pochylona zastanawiala sie nad czyms... Obraz byl bliski memu sercu, zostal sprzdany w Holandii na aukcji.

I’m inspired by...

ludzie, ich piekno, radosc na twarzy jak i smutek. Lubie obserwowac i przenosic emocje na plotno.

What's your favorite sentence?

When was the last time you got a nice surprise?

A party is no good without...


I wish I had more...


Do you like nights?


I love it when...

..gdy ludzie sa szczesliwi

A cat or a dog?

Pies :)

If you could no longer paint, then...

My favorite dish:

Pizza :)

Bach, Elvis or Madonna?

Bach & Madonna . Bach odpreza mnie i relaksuje, muzyka Madonny dodaje energii.

If I could live forever, I would like to be...

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