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Agnieszka Szałabska - Infinite Love
Agnieszka Szałabska - Infinite Love
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Painting description

Within all particles of Creation lies the primordial Force of universal gravity and intelligence that is Love. Out of Love everything is being born into existence. Every faced of a multidimensional, multilayered, infinite, sacred and mysterious Diamond of Creation is shaped and cut by one intelligent design that of Love. Every ancient and fierce light of a burning star, a great force that is holding words together is a dance of a spin of a galaxy, every dewdrop and every bird, every cell of a human heart, each building block of a tangible that are subatomic particles- All of Creation is One Great Song of Love.

Infinite Love

  • nr kat.: aszal13
  • dimensions: 60 x 60 cm
  • cena: 1 670 EUR
Kategoria obrazu
Searches direction
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Acrylic painting
Type of material:
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