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Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
Andrey Chebotaru - Winterabend
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Beschreibung des Bildes

Excellent evenings in Kiev, something irresistible. Just as the light falls on the slopes of the banks of Kiev, I also see this beautiful world with trepidation and try to convey it to people. So that everyone has a piece of my vision. Something beautiful ...
ukrainian painting
Andrey Chebotaru mehr Bilder


  • nr kat.: ache52
  • Maße: 100 x 105 cm
  • cena: 2 720 EUR
Kategoria obrazu
Rodzaj użytego medium:
Art des Untergruds:
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