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Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
Mark Gray - Piece of Ass
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Opis obrazu

Piece of Ass (from our private collection) Oil Painting on steel metal panel of my lovely wife's bottom! Here I sought to capture a moment and freeze it in time forever! There are several layers of resin all pigmented with differing volumes of dragons blood pigment which in itself is said to have magical properties - here used to represent the ‘rose tinted view’ love has on the one bewitched! Depending on the light and therefore time of day the painting beneath can appear very different. Unique hand finished frame. Similar pieces produced to commission. Size: 1500 x 1000mm
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Mark Gray więcej obrazów

Piece of Ass

  • nr kat.: mgra17
  • wymiary: 150 x 100 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
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Każdy wysłany przez nas obraz jest ubezpieczony i zabezpieczony na czas transportu. Nad systemem pakowania i dostawy pracowaliśmy latami. Jesteśmy pewni, że chwila w której odpakujecie zakupiony obraz będzie momentem wyjątkowej przyjemności i czasem niepowtarzalnych doznań. Zakupy w Touch of Art to Gwarancja satysfakcji.
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