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Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
Leo Plaw - Priestess of Delphi
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Opis obrazu

A study of a classic 19th century painting. The Oracle of Delphi sits over the vapours that rise from the earth that send her into a trance like vision. People from all over the then known ancient world would travel to Delphi to ask the Oracle for answers to their questions. Famously, some of the answers had a way of not turning out as the questioner expected.

Priestess of Delphi

  • nr kat.: lpl10
  • wymiary: 30 x 50 cm
  • cena: Cena na maila
Kategoria obrazu
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Rodzaj użytego medium:
Obraz olejny
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